Lesson Plan 6 - Food Security  Published Popular


Primary Schoolchildren – Ages 8-11


To enable students to consider the availability of food resources, and how pulses can improve food security for communities.


  • Students will recognise that the availability of food varies across the world.
  • Students will develop an understanding of the UN WFP school feeding programme and discuss and evaluate the benefits of such a programme for hungry children.
  • Students will consider the role of pulses in improving the food security of a community.


  1. UN World Food Programme website ( http://www.wfp.org )
  2. UN WFP fact sheet (from teacher pack).
  3. Template of box with UN WFP logo on it (from teacher pack).
  4. UN WFP food basket (from teacher pack).

Suggestions for further development:

  • Students to consider if there are food security issues in their own communities.
  • A whole school or class initiative could be introduced with pupils asked to make and fill boxes at home with foods that meet the UN WFP food basket criteria. These could then be distributed to poverty stricken groups either by the school or local charity.